Strange magic songs list
Strange magic songs list

strange magic songs list

Captured Sunlight - Sun-filled mirror-catch box, it has enough sunlight to fill a room with bright light.While wearing these, non-magical difficult terrain does not slow your movement. Bracers of the Woodland Hunter, Uncommon - Once per long rest, you may cast Hunters Mark as a first level spell without using a spell slot.If the bracelet snapped, he promised to come home no matter what. This was so the older brother would know if things got bad at home. Created by a brother who was going off to war, for his younger brother staying home. When one is mended, the other mends itself. Bracelets of Bonding - A set of bracelets that when one is broken the other immediately breaks as well.The blanket was crafted by an enchanter after his young son confided he was afraid of the dark to help his son get to sleep. Blanket of Starlight - A soft, well made blanket that can, once per long rest, emit a soft glow, maintained by concentration.When a weapon, from the belt, is thrown at an object or creature, hit or miss, the weapon will return to the belt at the end of your turn. Three one-handed weapons with the thrown property can be 'attuned' to the belt. The magic of the belt leaves an invisible mark on the surface of the weapons stowed in each loop and invisibly inscribes the name of the item on the sapphire shard. Belt of Returning - A finely crafted dark leather belt with three loops, each decorated with a shard of sapphire.Once used, the rose petal wilts and falls off the ring, and this effect may not be used again until the next dawn. The power contained within the rose petal may be expended to heal a target the wearer can touch by 2d4+2 hit points.

strange magic songs list

This band has a single charge, which recharges each day at dawn.

strange magic songs list

the top is decorated with a small rose petal, which remains bloomed and perfect until the ring's effect is used.

  • Band of the Dryad - A simple wooden band that appears to be entwined by evergreen ivy vines.
  • If it is turned inside out or damaged, it disgorges 5d100 rats and the bag is destroyed. All that comes out of it when a character tries to use it are 3d20 rats.
  • Bag of Endless Rats - It looks like a Bag of Holding, but it stinks.
  • Extending or retracting the daggers requires the use of a Bonus Action from the wearer. The wearer can cause the dagger within one, or both, bracers to extend from the bracer.
  • Assassin’s Bracers - This pair of bracers can contain a concealed dagger within each bracer.
  • On a failure, the arrow returns to the user’s hand and cannot be used again until after a long rest. The user continues to roll a d20+WIS, and for every consecutive roll above 15, the arrow shoots through another target the same way. When the user holds this arrow aloft and whistles, the arrow flies through a target enemy, ignoring AC to do 1d6 piercing damage.
  • Arrow of Yondu - Does not require a bow to use.
  • The quartz tip breaks after 3 uses and must be replaced. When it is fired, and the arrow strikes something, the archer is teleported to wherever the arrow landed.
  • Arrow of Displacement - An arrow tipped with a shard of quartz crystal.
  • Loud music can be heard 100ft from the impact site. For 30ft around the impact site, creatures are compelled (WIS vs DC 17) to dance madly.
  • Arrow of Celebration - An arrow tipped with an enchanted noisemaker.
  • For these checks, the caster uses their Arcana score. Also allows the conjured hand to perform stealthy actions, such as pickpocketing, sleight of hand, and other acts of remote legerdemain.
  • Arcane Trickster’s Glove - Allows a spellcaster who can use Mage Hand to turn the conjured hand invisible.
  • When the sphere is destroyed, it disables the effect of gravity of everything within a 30ft cube for 30 seconds.
  • Antigravity Sphere - A small, fist-sized glass ball filled with a silvery smoke.
  • Heads is a critical success (NAT20), tails is a critical fail (NAT1).
  • All or Nothing Coin - On a roll you would normally use a d20, flip a coin instead.
  • Alchemist Ring - When the wearer of this ring imbibes a healing potion, they receive an additional 1d6 HP.

  • Strange magic songs list